The 2021 Canadian Provincial Energy Efficiency ScorecardEfficiency Canada’s third annual Provincial Energy Efficiency Report assesses policy and outcomes realized within the 18-month window between January 2020 and June 2021. We broadened our assessment window in this year’s edition to accommodate calendar and fiscal reporting periods, and to capture more recent policy developments introduced or implemented by provincial governments in the first half of 2021.
Our research shows that many program administrators struggled to meet spending budgets and savings targets. Lockdowns disrupted programs that required on-site interaction or direct installation, and some program administrators also reported challenges stemming from supply chain disruptions or contractor shortages. Though we do not track program participation directly, many administrators reported lower than projected participation across program portfolios, though in some pandemic-related public health measures may have boosted participation (e.g., among commercial or institutional building managers) in buildings that were not in active use.