This submission constitutes Efficiency Canada’s comments on Natural Resources
Canada’s (NRCan) June 2024 pre-publication consultation for Amendment 18 to Canada’s Energy Efficiency Regulations. Authored by Sarah Riddell.
We recommend the federal government provide funding in the amount of $6.5 billion over four years to expand and reorient the Smart Renewables and Electrification
Program (SREPs) towards demand side energy solutions like energy efficiency. Authored by Brendan Haley.
The National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) and the National Building Code (NBC) make up the foundation for Canada’s first national tiered energy codes. These model codes, alongside the National Fire Code, National Farm Buildings Codes, and National Plumbing Code, are developed on a five-year cycle. Authored by Kevin Lockhart.
Addressing energy efficiency and resilience in new construction is one of the best actions the City of Mississauga can take to realize it’s goal of becoming a net-zero community. Authored by Kevin Lockhart
This policy brief provides a background on appliance and equipment standards in Canada, discusses proposed Canadian and U.S. standards, and international best practices for efficiency standards of several product categories in the forthcoming Amendment 18, and some that NRCan could implement via future amendments. The brief highlights opportunities for Canada to demonstrate leadership by adopting standards that go beyond U.S. regulations, in reflection of our colder climate and energy policy priorities. Authored by Sarah Riddell
We are writing to express support for the proposed British Columbia Highest Efficiency Equipment Standards (HEES) for Space and Water Heating – Point of Sale Regulations. The proposed regulations are feasible and timely, are in alignment with leading U.S. states, and demonstrate leadership in Canadian provincial climate and energy policy. Authored by Sarah Riddell, Matt Malinowski, James Gaede and Brendan Haley.