Press Room

Efficiency Canada is the national voice for an energy efficient economy. We envision a future where Canada uses energy efficiency to its fullest potential.

For media inquiries, send us an email and we will connect you with an energy efficiency expert. 

Efficiency Canada has subject matter experts on staff who are available on short notice to comment on the following subjects:

Energy efficiency in Canada

Recognizing and utilizing energy efficiency as Canada’s most cost-effective and abundant energy resource through sound policy-making can aid in economic growth, stable job creation, healthier homes, and combatting climate change.

2022 scorecard
Corey Diamond

Executive Director

Corey has more than two decades of experience leading social change organizations focused on engaging people to take action on critical environmental and social issues. Corey was previously the COO and Partner of global consulting firm, Realized Worth. Corey also spent 10 years helping to lead Summerhill, a national firm focused on engaging the public on energy efficiency behaviours.

2022 scorecard
Brendan Haley

Sr. Director of Policy Strategy

Brendan helped launch Efficiency Canada, where he now guides research and policy advocacy efforts. He brings a proven record in energy policy entrepreneurship and thought leadership. Brendan has a PhD in Public Policy from Carleton University where his research used political economy and systems of innovation frameworks to understand the role of traditional natural resource sectors in Canada’s low-carbon transition.

Energy poverty

Addressing energy poverty involves ensuring all households have affordable access to necessary energy services to maintain a healthy and safe standard of living.

2022 scorecard
Abhilash Kantamneni

Director of Action Research

Abhi has a decade of experience helping communities across US and Canada use clean and efficient energy to achieve local priorities including improving housing, increasing ‘good jobs’ and reducing poverty. Currently he is completing his PhD in Geography at the University of Guelph researching the governance of building #EnergyRetrofits in Canada.

Building codes and standards

Implementing stringent building codes and standards enhances energy efficiency in new and renovated structures, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact.

2022 scorecard
Brendan Haley

Sr. Director of Policy Strategy

Brendan helped launch Efficiency Canada, where he now guides research and policy advocacy efforts. He brings a proven record in energy policy entrepreneurship and thought leadership. Brendan has a PhD in Public Policy from Carleton University where his research used political economy and systems of innovation frameworks to understand the role of traditional natural resource sectors in Canada’s low-carbon transition.

Provincial policy

Provincial policies are crucial in setting localized energy efficiency goals and regulations tailored to regional needs and resources.

Alyssa Nippard
James Gaede

Director of Research

For the past 10 years, James has conducted research on energy and environmental politics and public opinion in Canada through a variety of capacities, including two postdoctoral fellowships, research associate positions at York University, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, and as an independent consultant. 

Alyssa Nippard
Alyssa Nippard

Research Associate

Alyssa is a Research Associate at Efficiency Canada and is passionate about sustainability. Prior to her academic and professional pursuits, Alyssa was on a path of self-driven research aimed at implementing solutions to lessen her environmental impact. As a member of the Policy Team, she employs this same curiosity in examining energy efficiency efforts across provinces.

Clean heat

Promoting clean heat technologies, such as heat pumps and solar thermal systems, reduces reliance on fossil fuels and lowers greenhouse gas emissions.

2022 scorecard
Sarah Riddell

Policy Research Associate, Clean Heat

Sarah is the Policy Research Associate, Clean Heat at Efficiency Canada. Prior to joining Efficiency Canada, she worked in commercial energy management, working to decarbonize federal buildings in British Columbia and the Yukon. Sarah has a BSc. in Agricultural and Environmental Economics from McGill University.

Workforce development 

Expanding workforce development programs ensures there are skilled professionals who can implement and maintain energy efficiency technologies and practices.

Natasha Daniel

Workforce Development Program Manager

Natasha Daniel has devoted the past 15 years to contributing to Ontario’s arts and culture sector, excelling in marketing and public relations. She has been honoured by the United Nations for her impactful work supporting equity-seeking communities in Colombia and South India, as well as Toronto’s Malvern and Jane-Finch neighbourhoods. Currently, she is driving efforts to promote decarbonization in workforce development at Efficiency Canada.

In addition to our staff, Efficiency Canada has Regional Champions and Energy Trailblazers who can be made available for interviews.

Efficiency Canada in the news


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