Gordon Inkpen
Business Development Manager, EMCO Corporation
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Finding solutions, and savings, people never imagined
Ask Gordon Inkpen, Business Development Manager for EMCO Corporation, how he spends his time and he’ll tell you most days it’s about talking to people — from engineers, to contractors, to everyday homeowners —about efficiency solutions. “Every one of those conversations is different,”
Gordon is quick to explain, because – when it comes to saving costs and saving resources – every client has different problems, different needs.
Gordon grew up in the plumbing and heating sector, but it was his work implementing LED technologies for contract manufacturers in Michigan and Ohio that really got him in interested in high-efficiency systems. He saw, first-hand, how efficiency products drove cost savings for his clients and, more broadly, a much better use of local resources – like water and energy.
“There’s a huge opportunity to help people understand how to integrate high-efficiency products into our everyday building management systems. We can better monitor and schedule street lights, we can optimize fresh air intake, we can schedule things to go on/off.”
In one of Gordon’s last jobs, he worked with an agricultural college in Halifax to test out a high efficiency pump, which ended up saving the school significant dollars. He then replicated that project at Dalhousie University, again leading to eye-opening results. “It got them thinking in a completely different way,” Gordon recalls. And for him, this is the best part of working in the efficiency sector.
“I like seeing the light go on for people, where they go ‘Oh wow! I never considered that!’ I like that moment when they see an opportunity they never knew was possible.”
Before working at EMCO, Gordon worked at Fader Agencies, a local business in Dartmouth that specializes in electric motors and pumps. Now, he’s using his experiences and specialized knowledge in pumps to help expand the business from traditional to high-efficiency products.
As far as Gordon is concerned, efficiency work is one of the most important jobs of the future: “We’re being held more accountable for our carbon footprint. There is no more hiding from it – and the data doesn’t lie. We need to build buildings and install lighting differently and consume less power and water.”