Canada drops from 10th to 13th in  international ranking on energy efficiency

Canada drops from 10th to 13th in international ranking on energy efficiency

The 2022 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard is out. Produced by our colleagues at the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy, it assesses the policies and performance of the world’s top 25 energy consuming countries. In this blog, we dig into the results, and discuss what we can learn to improve energy efficiency in Canada.

Energy Efficiency For All

Energy Efficiency For All

Energy poverty needs to be prioritized at the national level if the transition to net-zero emissions is to be fair and just. The federal government can play a leadership role by expanding the scale and scope of low-income energy efficiency.

Carbon Pricing Expands in Canada, Making Slower Progress in the United States

Carbon Pricing Expands in Canada, Making Slower Progress in the United States

As talk of a carbon tax resurfaces with the start of the Biden administration, some form of carbon pricing applies to an increasing share of the population in the United States and Canada, according to a report jointly released today by the nonprofit research groups ACEEE and Efficiency Canada. Authored by Steven Nadel, James Gaede, and Brendan Haley.

Tiered Energy Codes Best Practices for Code Compliance

Tiered Energy Codes Best Practices for Code Compliance

Building codes are established by law in the provinces or territories in which the building will be constructed. Compliance with code falls in the purview of the city or municipality, known as the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The AHJs must enforce
the safety, accessibility, and other objectives of code for new buildings, which requires knowledgeable resources in multiple technical disciplines. Adding in energy codes has presented some challenges for AHJs, let alone adding in potentially multiple tiers of energy compliance. Authored by Andrew Pride.


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