Update to the Green Development Standards
Addressing energy efficiency and resilience in new construction is one of the best actions the City of Mississauga can take to realize it’s goal of becoming a net-zero community. Authored by Kevin Lockhart
Addressing energy efficiency and resilience in new construction is one of the best actions the City of Mississauga can take to realize it’s goal of becoming a net-zero community. Authored by Kevin Lockhart
Supported by the sector, a national model code objective has been put forward that recognizes the impact of operational and embodied carbon emissions throughout the buildings’ lifecycle. This change could open the door for building code provisions that limit or reduce emissions from building operations as well as construction materials.
In this blog, we dig into the intent of the 2020 model building codes, how Ontario is adopting and harmonizing their approach, and what it can teach us about how model code adoption may be applied in other provinces. The conclusion is that the federal government needs to take action to accelerate commitments to net-zero buildings. To reach these commitments, citizens concerned about climate change also need to raise their voices.
This past January, Ontario’s Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing announced proposed changes to the Ontario Building Code(OBC)intended to harmonize with the 2020 National Construction Codes(“model codes”).The province will hold public consultations until March 13th.
The federal government has committed to developing a net-zero emissions model building code for provincial/territorial adoption by 2024. Here’s how we can make this goal a reality.
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