Across Canada; from coast to coast and in the arctic; municipally, provincially, federally and internationally; from NGOs to coalitions to trade allies, diverse voices are demanding a clean and resilient economic recovery.
We can build a more energy efficient economy after the COVID-19 crisis ends. Work can start now — existing programs are ready to ramp up quickly — and energy savings present a long-term path for sustainable growth
New benchmarking data shows Canadian jurisdictions could catch up to leading American states in energy efficiency
Canada’s 2020 national Model Codes, scheduled to be released in the fall of this year, are an ideal vehicle for government to leverage as economic recovery.
Canada is facing a major public health crisis and that needs to be everyone’s priority right now. This includes physical distancing to stop transmission, re-directing productive capabilities to support the healthcare system, and immediate support to maintain incomes.
COVID-19 is a health crisis that needs to be everyone’s priority right now. Those who work on energy efficiency might be able to help by offering expertise on heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, and donating equipment.